söndag 28 augusti 2011

Cowboys & Aliens

Title: Cowboys & Aliens.
Playtime: 118 min.
Genre: Action Sci-Fi.
Release Date: 29 July 2011.

By reading my blog, I think that you're starting to believe that I'm a regular customer at the cinema, but that's not the case, you s... Okay, that's exactly the case, I really enjoy going to the cinema with either friends or my girlfriend.
I try not to waste away too much money there by only going to the bigger movies and by not watching any swedish films at all... at least not at the cinema. (I have a thing against them.)
Anyway, this time I went with my girlfriend, since it was only fair that she, instead of the guys, enjoyed my company for a change.
Dispite having its' grand premier in Sweden, there we're large gaping holes in the audience. I guess that's how it's like when you live in a town like Sundsvall... it can't be alive everywhere at the same time.
Despite the lack of audience, I found the experience none the same as any other film.

Jake Lonergan (Daniel Craig) wakes up in the middle of the desert, with a large number of bruises and a metal object stuck to his wrist. After numerous failed attempts to remove it, he *cough* get's a horse and rides away.
He does not remember anything about himself that has happened, and wanders into a small town, unknowing of his past.
There, he interacts with people in both peaceful and violent ways, depending on who started the interaction. Soon, Jake Lonergan finds out he's a wanted man in the states and that a mysterious woman named Ella Swenson (Olivia Wilde) seems to be interested about his past.
A cranky old cattle owner, Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) causes some ruckus in the town after hearing that his son has been held prisoner without Woodrow being told about it.
In the middle of everything, some large lights appear in the sky, causing everyone to go silent and wonder what it might be. Before they can react, their whole town has been bombed to dust by some alien lifeforms in large ships.
Now, all seperate factions have to unite to get revenge upon the aliens and restore peace to their lands.
The only questions are... How will they defeat them and why are they here in the first place? Will Jake ever learn the truth about his past?

For some reason, I think it's entertaining with tough elder men being the protagonist. It sort of makes them more vulnerable and weary instead of being some kind of human meat-machine that never stops.
Harrison Ford and Daniel Craig are examples of this type of character. In the movie, they're both careless of their actions, while displaying a bad-ass attitude.

Olivia Wilde is probably as successful as she is because of 3 different factors:
1: She's in House.
2: She has the looks ;)
3: To be fair, she's not a bad actor.
I also enjoy her action, and she doesn't act as most of the female actors, being just a normal girl living a normal life. Her characters are always sort of mysterious and clever in some ways.
I haven't seen Tron yet, but I'm guessing she's doing well there as well.

Things out of the ordinairy:
The ending wasn't all sunshine and rainbows.
The intense action mixed with humorous moments <---Now that's all a good movie needs.
Cowboys and Aliens, duuuh?

I did not expect seing scary-looking aliens. (Same goes for the one sitting in front of me.. I Could have swore it was Michael Fox at some points.) ;P

I think the movie is very unique with its' story and I enjoyed almost every part of it. There were some times when you just thought: "Oh no.. here comes the predictable part", but it wasn't so often.
I read that some reviewer thought the aliens ruined a good western-film... I think he should go home and watch his classic Clint Eastwood-films and cry about the new era of movies.

This movie gets the rating 7 out of 10.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Have in mind that I was both tired and sick when I wrote this.. and please comment once in a while :)

  2. Michael Fox, LOL!

    What type of encounter would you like to see as a sequel?

    Please answer on my site, so I will know when you've done so ;)
