tisdag 6 september 2011

Being John Malkovich

Title: Being John Malkovich
Playtime: 112 min.
Genre: Comedy Drama.
Release Date: 22 October 1999.

The whole reason why I chose to watch a "random" movie from 1999 was because my philosophy-teacher recommended watching it before doing an assignment he gave us.
With a title I've never heard before, but with many famous actors, I had no expectations at all, and could only hope that the movie wasn't all trash.
So there I was, all bunkered up in my girlfriends basement with a soft blanket and some sourcream snacks!
We both had the same assignment, so why not watch it together and at the same time discuss about the films' philosophical questions.

Craig Schwartz (John Cusack) is a failed puppeteer who's living an unexiting life with his wife Lotte Schwartz (Cameron Diaz), who happens to run a zoo, or something close to it.
With loads of animals living in their apartment, and the fact that Craig can't get a job as a puppeteer is very stressful for both of them, so Craig decides to get a new job.
He eventually finds himself working at an office with little space from floor to roof, located between the 7th and the 8th floor in a large building.
Away from his miserable home, he falls in love with a strange girl named Maxine (Catherine Keener) , who doesn't seem to pay much attention to her new fan.
It all becomes more complicated when Craig discovers a portal in his office, which leads directly into John Malkovichs' brain!
When being in Malkovichs' brain, you get to see, hear and experience everything he does for 15 minutes, before you're thrown out next to the highway.

Craig and Maxine becomes business-partners as they decide to merchendise the portal, offering people to become Malkovich for 15 mins at the price of 200 dollars.
Soon, they realise that he can be controlled if you just put your mind to it, creating a horrific experience for poor Malkovich, who doesn't have a clue of what's going on.
But what happens if John Malkovich himself finds out about everything and decides to travel through the portal to his own brain?

Cameron Diaz was nothing like her more recent roles, where she often plays a dumb bimbo or a beautiful woman. It took be about 15 mins to figure out that it was actually her in the movie, and I thought she did a great job portraying her character.

John Cusack... I remember him not being so good in "2012", and during the movie, I mistook him for Edward Norton several times (I guess they look alike).
Despite the fact that he made one half-bad movie, I must say he's a great actor, that can play a large variety of roles.

Lacking parts of the film:
1. If it's supposed to bring up some philosophy, they could've gone further.
2. I hate to say this, but old movies have their disadvantages today. The quality was poor and the picture dark.
3. Weird sudden love interests? Even though it made the movie flowing.

It's a very unique film and least said amusing. I would recommend it to people who can take a mind-blow and enjoy the same type of weird and "derpy" humor as I.

This movie gets the rating 6 out of 10.

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