söndag 14 augusti 2011

Green Lantern

Title: Green Lantern.
Playtime: 114 min.
Genre: Action Fantasy.
Release Date: 17 June 2011.

Yet another grand superhero-movie is to be reviewed, and I'm afraid I don't listen to the critics when it comes to these movies. Almost every single hero-movie gets a low grade, since it has so much to live up to. It must be filled with great action scenes, love, story and at the same time be acceptable for the comic-fans.
Not many films can pull off such a difficult task, and it is partially seen in this particular movie.
As usual, I took my seat close to the screen, where no audience can be in the way of my experience.
So.. with my ultimate movie-snack combo (Sourcream Hotsnacks, Cola and Menthos Liquorice) I watched with normal expectations, as one should not expect too much from superhero-movies.

Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is a "normal" guy, who's working with aircrafts, and is sort of an expert on flying.
He's a daring, irresponsible man who doesn't care for much more than his own happiness and wealth.
As almost every other superhero, Hal Jordan is missing one family members, since his father died in a flying accident. That's quite an interesting discovery I accidently made... I've never thought about how all the heroes have a sad past with dead parents or no parents at all. (Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Ironman, etc..).
Anyway, Hal Jordan witnesses a powerful Green Lantern-officer die, right before his eyes, and he discovers that he's about to replace the officer and become a Green Lantern in his place. Since it was the ring that chose him, he has to swear an oath to a lantern, since it's the only way to become an officer.
Hal Jordan is sent to training on the Green Lantern corps home planet, but after giving up on his training, he returns to earth and pretends like nothing ever happened.
After saving some people from an accident, his identity is revealed to his closest friends, and they urge him to continue his training in order to be able to protect the galaxy.
My personal opinion about Green Lantern in general is that his powers are ridiculous. Making a hero who can "create" anything he likes with a ring seems like you've run out of imagination and just come up with the first best thing.
Even worse, is that the main character has a huge lack of imagination and the coolest thing he ever creates is a minigun, which wasn't of much use...

Ryan Reynolds is an actor, which talent I cannot rate bad or wrong, since he's not doing anything impressive, while not screwing the role up completely. Bottom part, I don't find him as charming as the role should be, and he kinda looks like Earl Hickey from My name is Earl, just without a mustache. (seriously, look it up).

The love of his life, Carol Ferris, who is displayed by Blake Lively barely has any long scenes with need for tough acting, so I find it hard to "evaluate" her performance. Still... I'll forgive the director since she's eyecandy.

Bad things with the movie:
The speed in which he grew stronger.
The forced love... yes even in this one.
"Oh, noes, Parallax will doom us all!" "Whoops, the newcomer beat him in 5 minutes".

This is definately one of the worse superhero-movies, but I don't think it was so lousy none should ever see it, cause I wasn't completely wasting my time.

This movie gets the rating 5 out of 10.

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