lördag 13 augusti 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

Title: Captain America: The First Avenger.
Playtime: 124 min.
Genre: Action Adventure Sci-Fi.
Release Date: 22 July 2011.

Yesterday, me and my friends decided to go watch the new Marvel-movie; Captain America: The First Avenger. As the time passed that day, more people were interested in seeing the film, so at the end, we were 9 people marching for SF in Sundsvall city.
The time was approxamately 8 pm when we ordered our tickets at the third row, counted from the front. Yes... we do have large movie-lounges in Sweden, and no, we didn't snap our necks off by sitting there.
It's actually a much more thrilling experience when there's no large crowd in front of you, but rather in your rear. (That may have sounded dirty.. nevermind).
But anyways, it's very relaxing to be close to the screen with your feet up the empty seats in front of you, and no annoying kids, whom have to comment on every single event throughout the movie.

The movie begins with a real-time discovery, and before we know too much, we're being sent back to 1941 in Norway, and the ww2 is on-going.
There, a scientist is searching for some kind of ancient power, said to belong to the gods of asgard. At this point, we know we're about to see a little mythology, science, loads of action, and of course, the ww2.
If you've seen all the Marvel-films, you know that each of them connects to the other, making all events intertwine in each new movie that comes. The same thing goes for this moive.
A special, rare artifact seen in Thor is retrieved in Captain America, and an old friends grandfather is there to join him. (That didn't sound as intriguing as I wanted)
There's loads of that witty humor I bet everyone gets and likes, as the whole crowd was laughing at some points in the film... some more than others...
I was not dissappointed with the action scenes, and the story was quite interesting unlike many other superhero-movies.
But if there's one thing I've learned from watching these types of movies is that they're all so darn predictable. I mean... from the first scene in the film, I got a hint of what the end might be like, and I'll be damned if I weren't right! While the younger audience might go "Oh, wow! I didn't see that coming!" at the end, some others think "Yep, that's exactly as I predicted."
We get to follow our beloved Captain America (Chris Evans) from bootcamp, where hard training pressures his slim body. He makes it through just barely and is selected to become the next generation-soldier, imbued with unhuman strenght. He will crush the nazis and bring an end to the long war.
This is the allied idea of changing the course of the war, but something goes wrong and someone stands in their way...

Chris Evans usually plays kind of "player"-roles, where he's a real ladies man and strutts around saying cheesy punchlines. This is not the case in this film, and I think he acts his role really well. There's something with his voice that adds seriousness to the part, and finally, he's not so good with the women, despite having ridiculous muscles.

There are also other familiar faces in the movie, that adds to it's quality, actors such as: Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving and of course, Samuel L Jackson, even if only for a moment.

Things I didn't enjoy were:
The obvious ending, (even though it was quite amusing).
The forced love... I hate those things in a movie. Can't they all just forget about it and focus on story and action?
The... final... battle...???

Although, this is one of the better marvel-films I've seen, and I definately think people who are interested in these types of movies should watch it!

This movie gets the rating 7 out of 10.

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