måndag 19 november 2012


Title: Lawless
Playtime: 116 min
Genre: Crime Drama
Year: 2012

My friend watched this movie a few days ago and told me that it was worth watching. Since I hadn't found any other movie to see, I caved in to the suggestion. Naturally, I was also drawn to watch the film because of the many great actors starring in it.

The story revolves around the three Bondurant brothers, a family working in the illegal moonshining-business. Even though they make a living as criminals, the law in the small town they live in don't really bother. They sell their moonshine even to the cops thinking it's a win-win deal. But unfortunately for them, life doesn't stay peaceful for long when an out-of-towner Special Deputy arrives in town. Charles Rakes is looking for a way to gain profit from the Bondurant brothers business. He intends to do this by frightening the eldest brother in charge of it, Forrest Bondurant. Naturally, he doesn't respond to threats and challenges the deputy in the style of: "If you want to bring us down, come get it".
While there are three brothers, the movie focuses its' story around the youngest one, Jack Bondurant. Jack wants to prove himself worthy of contributing to more important tasks than just sweeping the floor at the station and wishes he could run the business on his own. At the same time he's a part-time criminal, he seeks the attention of the timid girl Bertha, whom is constantly under the watch of her christian father.
So the film constantly shifts between the happy sides of their business to the dark side of it. The most special thing about the story is that it's actually told from the criminals' perspective in a way that makes you sympathize them rather than feeling for Deputy Rakes who's on the "right" side of the law.
So whilst trying to monopolize their moonshine in town, they have to fight a war versus the corrupt deputy, whom is forcing the local officers to take his side, even though they rather wouldn't.
The lawless brothers or the corrupt law, whom will come out on top, and how high will the price be for victory?

Shia Labeouf is the youngest, most impulsive brother Jack and it's a role that suits him well. Just like in the Transformers films, he's close to powerless when it comes to action, but it's just as his older brother tells him:
"It is not the violence that sets men apart, alright, it is the distance that he is prepared to go. "
Another true thing about Shia Labeouf is that he's not "quite a hunk, not quite a nerd" as quoted by Homer Simpsons. Hollywood needs more of those actors.

Tom Hardy is the eldest brother Forrest, whom uses grunts and low but dark tunes when talking. It's amusing to see how well he's brought his character to life, especially when thinking that this movie is based on true events. Sadly, there were times when I heard the Bane-voice slipping out, but maybe that was just me.

Guy Pearce portrays the corrupt law-enforcer Charles Rakes and does a tremendous job in getting the audience to hate his guts. He's an annoying bastard who thinks he's above everyone and abuses his power to get what he wants. Well played Pearce, well played.

Interesting true story about the early 20th century in a small town somewhere in USA. Definately worth your time if you enjoy a good drama with an interesting story.

It gets the rating 7 out of 10.

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