onsdag 9 november 2011

In time

Title: In Time
Playtime: 109 min.
Genre: Action Sci-fi.
Release Date: 28 October 2011

Ah! Finally the long-awaited return of my movie-blogging. It's been two whole months since I wrote my last post and published it. I understand clearly by now that I don't have many.. or any readers left, but that can always be rebuilt from scratch.

Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) lives in a future where biologic technology is so advanced that mankind is able to stop aging at 25, giving an eternal lifespan to those who can afford it.
The United States are divided into different time zones, each ranking its' financial situation, with a large slum in the bottom. I'd like to say that it's much alike the dystopian future seen in Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games.
Hey, eternal life sounds great! ...but what's the catch?
Yes, with all scientific progress in movies, there always has to be a catch large enough to make the idea seem distant and scary.
   In this case, it's the fact that at age 25, a biological clock starts to ticking, and with a years time at hand, one might not think it's much of immortality. To keep on living, one has to work hard to earn their time, which also happens to be the currency used in this future - It really takes the term "Time is money" to the test.
Will Salas who happens to live in the slum discovers one day that the government is plotting against the whole population of the slum. "For a few immortals to live, many people must die."
With a few years at hand, and with the help of some new friends, he tries to overthrow the system and make it collapse completely with both his life and money at stake.
The only thing standing in his way is a stubborn time keeper destined to catch anyone messing with the system.

I've read many complaints about Justin Timberlake as an actor, but I don't quite understand what they're getting at. It seems the only argument they can find is "He's a musician, not an actor, DUUH", but I beg to differ. Justin Timberlake is funny, serious and is getting more popular in the movie-business than earlier.

Olivia Wilde is a talented actor who's made a real success in just a few years concidering she was basically unknown before joining the show House M.D.
That and because of her looks, it was funny to see that she only had a minor part as Will Salas mother, despite being younger than Justin Timberlake.

Amanda Seyfried is another young beauty climbing the steep Hollywood-steps, taking her higher and higher within the industry for every movie she makes. I know I'm not the best at reviewing actors and actresses, but I think she's certainly got talent.

Parts improving the movie:
1. The concept (Who doesn't love future-themes?)
2. All the characters (The Minutemen)
3. The "bad guy" wasn't really a bad guy, but more someone fighting for what he believes in.

The film was in its' way unique and very interesting in many ways. Some things that annoyed me though was the unconditional love that ALWAYS has to be in movies nowadays.
Those who enjoy future-themes or who are longing for the Hunger Games-movie should definately go see it.

This movie gets the rating 8 out of 10.